My husband Justin turned 30 a couple weeks ago, and I thought he deserves a surprise birthday party with his family and friends! It literally took about two months to prepare because I had to do everything during the day while he was at work, and with Trey being the busy body that he is, it was pretty hard. The theme I chose for his party was "Sliding into 30!" Since Justin played college baseball and is still obsessed with the sport, I thought a baseball party would be fun! So, I had the invitations on baseball tickets, and I bought all the food that you could find at a baseball game such as hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, popcorn, peanuts, soda, cracker jacks, etc. I tried to make it a fun "baseball" atmosphere. For dessert my sister-in-law Haley made an awesome baseball bat cake and I made some baseball cupcakes to go with it. With the help of my dad and aunt, we put together some baseball games. We had two throwing contests; one you had to throw it through the catcher's glove, and the other you had to knock down as many pins as you could. The last game we had everyone spin around ten times on a bat and then they had to pick up three baseballs, one at a time, and place them on a small circle. People were falling all over the place, and it was so funny and very entertaining. The winners got cafe rio gift cards. There were about 60 people up at our cabin at Sundance, and Justin was very surprised! It was overall a great night and one that Justin really deserved. He is a great husband, an amazing father, and just all around a well loved guy! Happy Birthday Justin! Trey and I love you!

Wowzas, Shannon, who knew you were such a talented party-thrower? That looks like it was so much fun! And those cupcakes - I'm so impressed. What a bummer we were still driving home from DC. Just do it again next year and we'll be sure to come! :)
Looks like fun! I am sure he will never forget this birthday! Good Luck trying to make his other ones as fun! Your little boy is so cute!
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